If MCC 2.0 the Battlefront Classic Collection has something to teach us, it’s AAA games are broken at launch.

  • Addfwyn
    7 months ago

    I agree that games shouldn’t be pushed out before they are ready; developers definitely need more leeway to be able to push back and say “Sorry, this isn’t ready yet, we need to delay it X months”. Which does happen sometimes.

    However, I don’t think absolutely busted games is THAT common. Things like the Battlefront Classic Collection, Gollum, or The Day Before are still outliers in that respect. They are egregious examples and it makes them stand out more, but I feel we are much more likely to either get finished games that are just bad or…actually a good game. We have had some really good releases the past few years, though as the industry continues to fire all the talent that actually makes those games that is not going to be true for much longer.

    Plus we do sometimes have redemption stories. I don’t like it really still, but FFXIV absolutely turned a trainwreck around. No Man’s Sky is basically a poster child for how to make right by a fanbase too.