I had sworn off social media about a decade ago. So I was pretty much a passenger as TikTok rose to prominence. I feel TikTok has been the defining social media phenomenon since it emerged. YouTube and Instagram have been forced to copy it and there seem to American congressional hearings twice a day pertaining to TikTok.

You can guess from the first sentence how I feel about it. But I wanted to ask this of people who use this format/engage with it. How do you feel about it?

  • bleepingblorp
    4 months ago

    Good question comrade,

    While I also personally don’t use social media for mental health reasons, I don’t feel the shorts format is any worse than any other media format for distributing information. I’ll elaborate.

    The “shorts” format is essentially a meme is video format. Short. Concise. To the point. Ideally witty or catching (depending on the skill of the creator). And what is a meme to a Communist? It is agitprop.

    Memes are to the early 21st century Communist what Agitprop was to Bolshevic revolutionary. If the “shorts” format is a meme (or modern agitprop) in video form, we cannot afford to dismiss it as Communists looking to organize.

    Say what you will, but Fascists are very good at using modern methods for spreading their bullshit, and it works. If we remain stuck using early 20th century methods, we’ll stay far behind amd our world will suffer for it.

    The “shorts” video format has a place, just like every other form of messaging.