Post-Soviet Russia was obviously very anti-communist and the communist party of Russian Federation provides opposition, why allow them to have that much pull, from the Russian Federation perspective? Did they ban the party in the past and it was unsuccessful? Is the current Communist Party shitty and easily manipulated to be allowable in mainstream politics?

    • Kind_Stone
      2 years ago

      The first part is not public sources, obviously. We do have many younger communists in our more “orthodox” circles start out in more popular organizations, like CPRF or “The Union of Marxists” for example. Stuff about CPRF in private talks usually unanimously mentions something along the lines “We wanted to help those guys fighting for their salary by organizing the demonstration, but then were stopped by our superiors” etc. etc etc. This kind of stuff for some weird reason is unique to CPRF, hence why I made the conclusion.

      As for the last thing, I can go through the publications over the last couple of years if you need. If you wanna do that yourself - you can try going for Readovka, especially the local news branches of the regions because stuff like that is published in there.