• @hfkldjbuq@beehaw.org
    2 years ago

    far-right government that has set the country ablaze, and how the United States helped him do it. We’ll visit sthe birthplace of Brazilian Nazism, evangelical churches, and Indigenous villages in the Amazon.

    See, 60 years ago, this area was pristine, impenetrable jungle. Then, in 1967, representatives of US Steel – You know, the billion-dollar US multinational corporation – Well, they discovered rich mineral deposits here. Within a few years, US Steel and Vale formed a joint venture and began extracting millions of tons of iron ore per year.

    The mine transformed not just the local environment, but the region. In 1976, the neighboring town of Parauapebas was founded in an area that was previously jungle. Today, with a population of around 200,000, it looks like any other Brazilian city. That’s how development works here.

    Resource extraction requires the building of roads, infrastructure, homes. Newcomers arrive in search of work, pushing Indigenous people off their land. The forest is either chopped up and sold as hardwood, or just cleared and burned to make room for the endless advance of so-called progress.

    According to a recent report, powerful US banks, businesses, and mutual funds have invested billions of US dollars in companies financing Brazil’s agribusiness lobby. Among them are JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and BlackRock.

    And agribusiness is responsible for the lion’s share of Brazilian deforestation – 97% of it in 2021.

    It used to be Europe, it is now US fucking up Brazil; whoever holds power in this trade/market-driven society. Damaging nature and native people like that is a historical human tradition… whatever helps Brazil’s current government win reelection with support from agroeconomy and commodity industry, the primary sector in general, which drives the country’s economy

    evangelical churches … in the Amazon

    Likely Brazilian organizations, but missionaries as well with nothing better to do… just damaging existing societies. Christianism in general coming from Europe and evangelism from US fucking up Brazil