Ironizar sobre esto, que los fascistas odian la historia, porqué les pone en evidencia. Igual como no aceptan nada que no coincide con su forma estrecha e intolerante de ver las cosas.
Ironing about this, that fascists hate history, because it makes them obvious. Just as they do not accept anything that does not match their narrow and intolerant way of seeing things.
I don’t understand how the “/s” saves face in this situation.
I assumed most people here would be from /g/ but i guessed wrong so its a joke which most people wont understand
What you heard: I don’t understand this joke.
What I said: “I’m racist, lol jk” is not a joke, it’s an extremely low effort dogwhistle.
The thing i said is not related to the meme itself at all
Fascists naturally want to educate their children to be fascists as well. This is why it is naturally the fascists who do not understand this joke.
So what’s the joke then?
Ironizar sobre esto, que los fascistas odian la historia, porqué les pone en evidencia. Igual como no aceptan nada que no coincide con su forma estrecha e intolerante de ver las cosas. Ironing about this, that fascists hate history, because it makes them obvious. Just as they do not accept anything that does not match their narrow and intolerant way of seeing things.