My intention linking this is not to provoke someone or hurt feelings, moreover to show what we as community or maintainer need to fix.
Regardless how you see it, there is some truth in it, even if I personally disagree with most mentioned points ignoring that Android already runs on 1 Billion devices which is basically Linux…
I have a Kindle and have never bought an e-book on Amazon… and never even heard of the tool you mentioned. Yet I use Linux 100% of the time and have plenty of books on my kindle with I legally bought DRM free.
IMHO the problem is DRM not Linux ;)
Oh fully agree, but there are a ton of phenomenal books out there that are impossible to acquire legally without DRM. Many aren’t even available illegally, especially if they are in a language other than English, like try finding “De Grijze Jager” anywhere DRM free, legally or illegally hahaha. Many authors don’t even know the issue with DRM and just do what their publishers say is standard.