• Dreeg Ocedam@lemmy.mlOP
    3 years ago

    While I agree with the sentiment of the video, it’s not like she actually presents a better system at all.

    Everything she describes is present in every system in the world, except for a few pockets that live by more ancient traditions and would not scale to 7 billions. It’s just that humans are imperfect, self-centered and that any society with this many of us is going to have some ugly parts. Communist (or socialist) countries don’t actually reduce their emissions faster than some capitalists ones. They pollute less for the simple reason that they’re poorer.

    I also disagree with the argument of growth. Yeah the world is finite but we are very far from actually using even a tiny fraction of all the available resources. We can have growth for a while (better knowledge, comfort, healthcare) before we actually use up the resources of the earth.

    We do need to improve the system, but it’s not going to happen overnight and suddenly become some for of utopia. It’s going to be progressive and there are going to be some steps back. If you want it to happen faster, you need to show people that better options are out there. Complaining about “the system” while doing nothing doesn’t help.

    You’re denying that any progress is impossible. That’s simply not true.