• KiG V2
    8 months ago

    Sometimes when I think of everything, all these moving parts. I imagine the best possible ending and the worst possible ending for us. Granted, sure, it will probably, as it has for all of human history, settle out to somewhere in the middle. But, I don’t know. The stakes feel higher. There feels like force multipliers that we didn’t have before. Things stewing for centuries, for millenia, feel like they’re reaching a head. I think the calendar might reset, for better or for worse, soon.

    On one hand, we can imagine nuclear hellfire, seas and skies and fields grey and lifeless and broken, all culture and civilization destroyed, us all dying both gruesome and violent and horrific deaths as well as banal, undignified, drawn out deaths. All of it being for nothing. Truly hell on Earth.

    On the flipside, can we dare to imagine something better? The wounds of bigotry and war and brainwashing and conditioning toward such an awful way of living being healed? Can we not tell that people all over the world, no matter how many times the bad guys tried to crush socialism out of them, crave only peace and prosperity, cooperation? Love? Can we not imagine human ingenuity and the first good global collaborative effort between mankind fixing the climate crisis, and undoing those wounds to Mother Nature as well?

    Am I naive for imagining that we could all have a better life, even if there is much bloodshed and suffering still to be had between now and then? That it is always darkest before dawn? That the fog obscures a light at the end of this tunnel?

    I guess the only way it may come about is if we fight for it as if it is possible, even if it isn’t. What other choice do we have?