For me, I try to find music that fits the setting and resonates with the exposed culture.

    • @Tatar_Nobility@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I dig that, especially when reading nonfiction. I’d like to fully connect with the book, sometimes music helps sometimes not.

  • @housefinch
    82 years ago

    Usually no, like full attention on what I’m reading. At most maybe some ambient stuff.

    32 years ago

    Sometimes I don’t listen to anything, sometimes to minimal ambient stuff that roughly fits the general theme of the book, and sometimes rain sounds or some soundscapes.

  • outplayed
    32 years ago

    Sometimes, but it has to have no lyrics otherwise it really messes with my inner voice. I’ll put on a lofi playlist on Spotify or something.

    22 years ago

    Sometimes. It depends on what I’m reading, but if I do, it’s a chill playlist or a game’s soundtrack. Music with lyrics is distracting, especially if it’s a language I understand, haha. There’s also the fact that the mood of the book can change chapter by chapter, and the music may take me out of it or make the experience less enjoyable. Changing the playlist while the story progresses sounds like too much trouble to me, but it may be doable.

    12 years ago

    I don’t really listen to music when reading but I do when writing creatively. I usually pop on a playlist to match the mood of the scene I’m writing. That way when I get to the occasional pause to think I’m still in that zone.