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Parents, Due to Florida House Bills 1467, 7, and 1557 that were passed on July 1, 2022, the classroom library will be closed temporarily until all the books can be vetted. Please send your child to school daily with an independent reading book.

Local Libraries (Free to Residents)

• Delray Beach Public Library - 100 W Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33444

• Boynton Beach City Library - 100 E Ocean Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33435

To find a library local to you, please visit: http://www.pbclibrary.org/

  • @Neers94
    2 years ago

    The reason for this is twofold. One, it galvanizes DeSantis’s insane homophobic base, and two, it further deteriorates the public school system. There is a huge lobby in Florida right now from mostly the Catholic church that’s been on a crusade you could say against public education for the past decade. They won’t ever admit it publicly, because anyone who says that we should abolish public schools rightly sounds like a lunatic. But they will do anything and everything possible to make sure public schools are as terrible as possible, and then blame the schools and the school board for the issue and use it as reason to further invest in charters and “school choice”.

    Biggest irony is, they fucking elected the school board members! They act like they’re unelected bureaucratic corrupt tyrants overseeing schools. No, you elected them! School administration definitely has many problems, cheif among them being the fact that many that run for election are a part of that anti-public school movement, and have the intention of sabatoge. Because no one ever votes in these small elections, they get in easily. I mean, like I said, a lot of these people don’t even know that you fucking vote for these people!

    I was born and raised in Florida. It’s terrifying seeing what the state is turning into. There are so much glaring issues in the state that effect the majority of working residents but because the upper-middle class boomers that run the political sphere in the state have nothing to do all day but get angry at gay and black people, nothing happens. I can’t find any concrete stats on this, just anecdotal on my part, but there’s been a massive brain drain of young people from here for a while. There’s just no opportunities here. Sure, taxes are lower, no income tax, but pay is absolute garbage. There are no good jobs in most fields here unless you’re interested in healthcare work or want to be in the tourism industry (which fucking sucks). Everyone I know my age is planning to leave the state after they’re through with college, I don’t know a single person who wants to stay, and these aren’t for political reasons, purely economic. Even some of the people I know who don’t go to college and are working in trades plan on leaving too. Add on to this the shit with DeSantis, this state is just hell.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post this type of stuff gets my mind racing lol.