• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    2 years ago

    What? This is false. I’m not sure what is your understanding about “most countries”. How the vote actually went: “In an emergency session, 141 of the 193 member states voted for the resolution, (to condemn Russia) 35 abstained and five voted against”, so you are talking straight BS again.

    meanwhile in the real world 93 nations voted for, with 58 abstaining and 24 voting against https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115782

    What? 😂 You used UK as an example, I used Finland, and now I’m the one cherry-picking?

    I used UK, France, Italy, Germany, and majority of European nations where economies are currently crashing as examples.

    False again.

    True again, but no point arguing with qanon.

    You are twisting my words. I have been constantly talking claims concerning Finland. You try to change the subject to the war itself.

    You’ve been constantly talking about Finland helping prolong the war. You want people in Ukraine to suffer and die longer so you feel safer.

    You claim to be an expert and you don’t know what’s even happening…?

    I know what’s happening, and it’s different from the bullshit war propagandists sell.

    Oh, and by the way. In previous thread you claimed that the news about Russian troops dying in large amounts is false, and you only believe what the US military experts say about the issue.

    Yeah that’s why Pentagon keeps saying that Russia has most of their original operating power. Somehow, they’re losing 500 troops a day for four months and still haven’t had to send more troops in. Galaxy brain logic there.

    Anyways, you do you there. Soon the war will be over, and war propagandists will be exposed for what they are. Enjoy acting smug while you can.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        2 years ago

        Are you high? You spoke about UN vote to condemn Russia. The vote you linked is to suspending Russia from Human Rights Council. It’s a different vote, and even in that the majority was against Russia. So who’s the one spreading misinformation?

        The condemnation of the war means nothing. I’m talking about actual tangible action countries are taking. The most important action being economic warfare where the west finds itself isolated.

        Clearly you haven’t been following the progress in the electricity production if you think all those countries are going to sink and not rise.

        Clearly you have no understanding how energy production works or the amount of time and effort it takes to transition off fossils. Makes sense that you’d deluded about this as you are about everything else.

        Then why do you keep arguing with me? Does the troll factory pay you per message?

        Nobody is forcing you to reply. You could just walk away, yet here you are making false statements and calling people trolls. What’s wrong with you?

        Where’s the propaganda? Russia is keeping the nuclear plant and doesn’t want to demilitarize it, while bombing it, putting people at major risk. At the same time they report that “accidents might happen”.

        Wait Russia is bombing a nuclear power plant that it controls. That’s precisely the kind of logic I’ve come to expect from your brilliant mind.

        The report doesn’t say they’ve losing 500 per day for four months. Don’t you remember the previous report? That is the situation now. Universum brain logic there.

        So Russia just all of a sudden started losing 500 troops a day for no reason when Ukraine’s army is at its weakest. Got it.

        My words exactly.

        Can’t wait to see your words in a couple of months. Should be pretty hilarious to watch.

        You have a good day of seething coping there bud.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            2 years ago

            I really admire your endless devotion to your cause of propaganda. It’s pretty clear that you can go on indefinitely, so I’m just going to stop here. It’s obvious that I’m not going to convince you of anything, and I doubt anybody else is reading this at this point.

            All I’m going to say is that the truth of what I said will become impossible to ignore in the coming months and years. People tend to best learn from experience, and I hope you will be able to internalize your coming experience and do self reflection in the future.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                2 years ago

                As I said, I see no reason to continue investing more energy into this. We’ll wait a few months and see what you have to say then.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                    2 years ago

                    I see you’ve made a self referential comment there. I’ve explained my position to you in detail, it’s clear that I can’t convince you of anything. Why would I waste more time on this when it’s going to be obvious who was right in a few months. The fact that you’re upset by this makes me suspect that deep down you know who’s right, and that’s what’s getting under your skin.