I don’t see many lefties talk about pre-modern history outside of colonialism so I am curious as to how Marxists view it.

The fall of the Roman Empire wasn’t one singular event but a series of events spanning from what I can tell starts at Third Century Crisis to its final climax at Constinantinople in 1453.

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    8 months ago

    There’s a lot to go on about- but needless to say, Rome deserved to fall. Just as America does and will. People always remember and cry about the “fall of Rome” and all that nonsense, but they forget all the slavery, mismanagement, and abuses that were inflicted upon the so-called “barbarian” tribes in the west who had come seeking to join the empire, and the increasing abandonment of the plebs who built the empire, that led formerly amenable peoples to become western Rome’s worst headaches. The way Rome treated the Goths is a perfect example- these people were basically begging to join the empire and would have provided cheap, fresh troops- so of course, they got settled in shitty swampland, left to starve and then extorted to the point they were selling their kids for dog meat, and when they initially started resisting for entirely understandable reasons, the Romans tried to kill off their leadership when they met for negotiations.

    Personally I prefer eastern Rome, that said. I have a self-aware bias against western, Latin Europe (minus the Celts, and sometimes the Germans) and I’m not ashamed to say it. Especially the Anglos, screw the Anglos