So with the end of the Cold War in 1991…

maybe-later-honey umm actually Putler is doing soviet imperialist Nazism to restore the USSR try reading the Kyiv Independent some time you might learn something ??

… How relevant is it today?

On paper the Non-Aligned Movement is quite impressive. It’s the second largest group of states in the world after the UN and represents more than half the world’s population.

international-community-1 international-community-2

… And yet in recent years some have come to question its relevance.

US foreign policy

Criticism of Western policies in the Global South has become a core theme of discussion across many states


… and many have come to see the movement as gaining relevance again and being a forum for discussing how many of the world’s biggest issues are to be discussed.


So time will tell if the Non-Aligned Movement will find its purpose in the 21st Century.

very-smart will these backwards thinking childlike peoples embrace modernity? Or will they continue to criticize their Betters? Only time will tell…

  • lil_tank
    9 months ago

    Now that there isn’t a USSR, you can’t have a “non-aligned” movement. There is only one geopolitical faction, which is the Imperial core and their lapdogs. You’re either with the West or against it. By removing the obvious alternative, the USA created a context where all of the imperial periphery is realising that they have one common enemy.