This may not be the best question for this community, but I believe it should be open ended.

The reason I have been thinking about this question is because someone once said: “as soon as you turn 18, card companies will start sending you offers and advertisements”. How do they get that information? Is it through my bank or something else I naively signed up for?

I am a big “opsec” nut. I take steps to not give out my information. I do not give information to social media websites as I do not even have an account on most of them. I only just closed my only bank account I ever had. I do not have any subscriptions or services. And you can assume the rest.

I think this would be a good test to see what may have leaked to companies so far.

I don’t know many other ways I can ask the question. I just want to be prepared and be unknown.

Not exactly asking for advice, just what precautions everyone else has taken in their life. If I am asking in the wrong place, I hope I can get good redirection.

    9 months ago

    Security aside, you’re going to have a horrible time if you don’t have any open bank accounts or credit accounts. It’s going to set you back not just years, but potentially decades.

    Banks only lend money to people who have a track record of handling money well. If you have no track record of being able to handle money and then they won’t offer you loans. At this point your life you may think who cares… but in 10 years are you going to want to buy a car? Apply for an apartment? Buy a home someday? Without a credit history, the answer to all those will be no.