When studying Marx and Marxist authors in isolation, there seems to be so many ideological struggles that one may take independently without critique from others. So, if socialism/communism is not completely inevitable, how do I form appropriate arguments for the use of Marxism to advance the cause of the proletariat against that of the ruling bourgeosie without falling to arguments about inevitability, “the greater good”, the capitalists being “evil”, et cetera? Are there any more advanced comrades here with experience showing the ideologically backwards, or even intermediate, the way of proper Marxist analysis?

  • QueerCommie
    9 months ago

    How to properly use dialectical materialism

    To use dialectical materialism properly read not only general explanations of it, but study the method of those like Marx and Losurdo in practice.

    how do I form appropriate arguments for the use of Marxism to advance the cause of the proletariat against that of the ruling bourgeosie without falling to arguments about inevitability,

    The best argument we have is that today there are two choices before us. Our species can survive or go extinct. All kinds of capitalism even green new deal type stuff is hopeless in stopping the environmental crisis. Life on this planet is in jeopardy until we have world socialism with the real capability of dealing with these crises. Whatever happens after capitalism is doomed to fail (and soon) due to the tendency for the rate of profit to fall. The opportunists claim that capitalism will keep going until people collectively decide to reject its immorality. We must show how they are wrong. Read Socialism or Extinction for an elaboration of this.

    “the greater good”, the capitalists being “evil”, et cetera?

    I recently started After Virtue where a Marxist tries to expose the great flaws in all sorts of modern moralism. Idk what path he proposes moving forward yet, but that might interest you.

    Are there any more advanced comrades here with experience showing the ideologically backwards, or even intermediate, the way of proper Marxist analysis?

    I wouldn’t call myself advanced, but I have tried, and sometimes I’ve failed, sometimes I’ve succeeded. All I can say is keep learning and keep explaining.