My baby makes a lot of shouts and cries, but isn’t verbal yet, so no Das Kapital just yet. Any parents out there with 2-4 year olds who ask loads of questions? I’d like to try to outline the child-accessible topics that we might run into in the course of a day: sharing items, roles of people in society (“daddy why does that man want to pick up trash?” Etc), the value of money (“I want that one [toy/candy]!” “Why can’t I have it?” Etc), polite behaviour to others. Anyone have any experiences with this? Or any useful “buzz words” that kids might use that open up a teaching opportunity? Have a great weekend comrades, take care of yourselves!

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    5 years ago

    I wish I could be more engaged with this community, but my child lives with her mother and I’m somewhat forced to be absentee for reasons I don’t wanna get deep into, so I live a bit vicariously through a friend who has a daughter of similar age. My friend likes to use terms like “friendship”, “compassion”, “justice”. etc. when her smol human starts on that neo-liberal shit. Sometimes that works, but sometimes the child’s just too young to internalize anything that’s said to her.