• DamarcusArt
    7 months ago

    Why is this community showing up in my feed? Oh, it’s lemmygrad? Let’s not over AI here.

    It’s a marketing buzzword, a meaningless label used to dupe people into supporting tech in hopes that it eventually does all the fantastical things that it is promised. People (like myself) are losing jobs due to this hype, not due to the AI actually being able to do our jobs better. Only because business owners are given empty promises about what it “could” do rather than what it actually “does.”

    This comment from UlyssesT sums up my thoughts pretty well (The insults aren’t directed at you at all, it was part of a very long string of comments with a very unpleasant lib, but it’s too funny to not share the whole thing.):

    LLMs are not “AI.”

    “AI” is a marketing hype label that you have outright swallowed, shat out over a field of credulity, fertilized that field with that corporate hype shit, planted hype seeds, waited for those hype seeds to sprout and blossom, reaped those hype grains, ground those hype grains into hype flour, made a hype cake, baked that hype cake, put candles on it to celebrate the anniversary of ChatGPT’s release, ate the entire cake, licked the tray clean, got an upset stomach from that, then stumbled over, squatted down, and shat it out again to write your most recent reply.