• Munrock
    7 months ago

    Of all the types of billionaire, celebrities have the most potential to be decent people. They’re the ones that get put on pedestals to propagate the ‘this could be you too!’ delusion.

    Swift is celebrated as a feminist, but she’s not a feminist. She exploits feminism. Every time she’s spoken up about patriarchy, it’s been about her. Every time she champions feminism, it’s been about her, and every time it’s ultimately made her a shitton of money. She’s somehow got an image of being politically outspoken without ever speaking out about anything of wider import than her girlboss ambitions.

    Compare this to someone like Jane Fonda, who is far from perfect but threw her career under the bus by loudly opposing the Vietnam war, during peak American jingoism and when American patriarchy was stronger than ever. She shows full well that celebrities can speak up about shit without even giving up their wealth privilege.

    But the sickest thing for me is how far people will go to defend her. Swift could gleefully murder animals on stage if she wanted to and her fans would find some cope explanation to make it a ‘good thing actually’ or ‘she’s got no choice’ or ‘the Patriarchy made her do it.’ Like with the amount of private jet travel she does.

    • davel
      7 months ago

      Parasocialism is a fuck.