I’m looking to buy a new laptop. I recently switched to Linux (Fedora) and would like to stay with it (Not necessarily Fedora though).
My most important requirement is that it has a great runtime. I honestly don’t want to deal with under-volting or anything like that. A “runs out of the box” approach would be best.
13-14", no dGPU, AMD/Intel.
edit: I realized that great runtime is very different for everyone. I wouldn’t consider 5-7 hours great. More like absolute minimum is 8. Better is 10-12. This sounds very unlikely though, apart from MacBooks with ARM CPU. Any recommendations?
i have the same requirements as you. i bought framework 13.
i’m still in the confuguration phase, for now it has a decent battery run of ~6/8h of installing stuff. i’m configuring nixos.
you have TLP configured?
yes but default config, i still need to look into it
I looked into them. And it sounded a lot of the users are not happy about the build quality compared to Thinkpads or Latitudes. How is your experience? Did you go with Intel or AMD?
i just got a ThinkPad for work, it’s spectacular. but if you need to replace something…
the framework is solid, and allows to replace anything. i think the tradeoff is very fair.
Which CPU are you using? I’ve got the 11th gen i5 and battery life is just miserable, especially in standby.
there is a kernel parameter to add to make standby better:
.if you are on nixos you can import the framework hardware module from “nixos-hardware”. it also includes other fixes