Trying to egg them on in an anodyne way.

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    lmao this made me think of the guy in my AP European History class over a decade ago who got mad at the fact that the other 8 of us in the class would frequently use BBC as a source for European news (we had to submit a summary on a news article for a European country every day) that he spent the rest of the year intentionally submitting Fox News articles and arguing with our teacher whenever he’d be like “this isn’t one of the approved sources so I have to dock you points for your daily grade on this…”

    literal same behavior

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      10 months ago

      instantly reminded of the one student in my Major British Writers course who adamantly refused to engage with the material in the way everyone else was. Every week we’d have read some new text, the reading started at the earliest extant writings and moved forward in time. The professor always asked us about how the perception of Jesus had changed, as many or most of the writing was religious in nature. Every single week, the professor would ask us how we thought the writer saw Jesus, and every single week this dingus would volunteer to answer and begin by telling us the writer was wrong, actually Jesus was like this, or did that. I think the professor passed them just to rule out the chance of having to see them ever again.

      • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        I think the professor passed them just to rule out the chance of having to see them ever again.

        I love that for him.

        Similarly, our entire APUSH class and the teacher collectively got sick of this dude after the first semester. It wasn’t even the Fox News articles, it was the fact that he’d spend the entire period on his laptop blatantly looking at katanas and other weapons on Mall Ninja sites & get mad whenever we had to put everything away to watch a Eugene Weber UCLA lecture on the middle ages - so when the end of the year approached & we were in the “AP exams have finished but I, as a teacher, still have to give you a grade for the actual class so here’s a random project that counts for 60% of your final grade” time period, we were all put into a single group of 9 and told to come up with a play/performance/etc based on some European historical event.

        “we should do the holocaust” was literally the first suggestion out of his mouth and, being the asshole that I was at 15, I immediately went geordi-yes and immediately started writing a 3 page script for a ‘play’ where three survivors of the Holocaust were tracking down a rumor of Hitler being alive so they could get revenge. “Well, someone will have to be Hitl-” I remember saying, only for him to immediately volunteer like I thought he would.

        Everyone else was like “what the fuck” but he really got into it and even gave us an overacted death scene/rattle at the end of the play when the survivors track him down at the summit of a mountain and push him to his death. He literally wanted to fall backwards off the stage and make it ‘realistic’ (completely ignoring the fact that hitler was not pushed to his death by a bunch of survivors irl but lol…)

        Unfortunately our teacher stepped in at that point & was like “you will literally hurt yourself if I let three students actually push you off the stage”

        Still got us a standing ovation in the empty auditorium from our teacher and honestly it stands out as the most “oh you took AP courses at a small town high school in the rural south? what was it like” moment in my entire school career lol. Sometimes I think about the fact that our teacher filmed the entire thing and wonder when it’ll suddenly be posted online & ruin my life LOL. I’d post the video I still have of him practicing his death scene with a literal stick sword on the stage by himself as the rest of us sat in the auditorium whispering “what the fuck is he doing with that stick is he pretending its a katana”, but I’m not doxxing him despite being one of those kids that everyone hated dont-laugh