second-plane Mr president, the predominantly cis radlibs claiming that “all tankies are transphobic” are about to visit the trans tankie website and discover we’re even more far left because of our queerness, not despite it

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      10 months ago

      If today some Pole is rising their ass-chin and brag about noble title like count or something their ancestors held, know two things:

      1. Except elective king and few dukes which got to keep their titles since their ancestors were signatories of the Union of Lublin, there were no noble titles in Commonwealth, instead it had noble offices. Therefore every baron, count, marquis, cavalier etc. etc. title was bestowed by Russia, Austria or Prussia/Germany for bootlicking.

      2. Due to point 1 and generally excessive shittiness and uselessness of Polish nobility, one of the first acts of independent Poland in 1918 was getting rid of the entire concept of nobility in law. Iirc some noble estates of open collaborators were also expropriated back there. Of course as every burgie government the interwar system did bootlicked landowners, but you can also heard the squawking of butthurt nobles in the background as landowning and power get more and more into burgie hands (so basically like everywhere else since the 1918 independence served as kind of bourgeois revolution for Poland).