I always make hot lemon-and-honey “tea” when it’s fuck-off cold out. It’s what my mom did for sore throats (which I did get, and still got, frequently in the winter) so it’s super comforting.
Just squeeze about 1/2 of a lemon into a mug of hot water, then drizzle in honey to taste. Best done with a highly flavored local clover honey imo. And you can use a teaspoon or two of the storebought squeeze bottle lemon concentrate if its all you have.
I always make hot lemon-and-honey “tea” when it’s fuck-off cold out. It’s what my mom did for sore throats (which I did get, and still got, frequently in the winter) so it’s super comforting.
Just squeeze about 1/2 of a lemon into a mug of hot water, then drizzle in honey to taste. Best done with a highly flavored local clover honey imo. And you can use a teaspoon or two of the storebought squeeze bottle lemon concentrate if its all you have.
Love it! Warms my goddamn heart!
Also works with orange. Invest in good honey for bonus cozy points.