The horrific scenes of carnage have evoked revulsion for millions of people in the United States and around the world. Huge protests have taken place nationally and internationally and the zionists find themselves on the public relations defensive but will not concede defeat. They are using brute force to dox, damage careers, end careers before they start, withhold funds, and use other means to silence righteous indignation over Israeli war crimes.

Enter the Black misleadership class, which is both vulnerable to pressure and devoid of principles. Not only do they choose to go along to get along, but they always manage to put our collective name in their unscrupulous butt kissing.

Apologies for the long time without a post here. Can’t get back into the old account; so if you see it getting buck and out of pocket, that ain’t me behind it anymore.

To the meat of the article, “going along to get along”-- this is the root of why I believe we’ll never get out from the thumb of genocidal colonials without a state of our own, carved out of Amerika’s guts and governed to our own sovereignty-- so that the day comes when the world grows well and truly sick enough of the settler menace to start doing things about them, we can sit back, raise our hands, and say "Do as you will-- we’re not with them. In fact, we’ll help."

  • loathsome dongeaterA
    1 year ago

    Oh god Eric Adams is out here comparing the taking of Israeli hostages to Emmett Till. Compradors are something else.

    • Amerikan PharaohOP
      1 year ago

      Adams is one of my personal devils honestly. Typically, minstrel-assed kapo shit like that just gets a head-shake out of me, a scoff, and a moving on-- Eric Adams honestly compels the bile to rise up my throat and the venom to build behind my eyes; it’s thanks to him and Obama that I’ve hit a genuine point where I believe the minute someone from community goes into establishment politics, they’re lost from that point on. Sunken™ and irretrievable.