• cfgaussian
    10 months ago

    Even this does not tell the full picture because Ukraine is more of a symmetric conflict, at least in the way it is waged on the frontline, than any of the others are/were. In none of the others is/was there anything like the near parity of, for example, artillery that exists in Ukraine. So while the vast majority of civilian deaths are clearly attributable to the attacker in the other conflicts listed here, in Ukraine it’s much likelier that the “defender” is actually responsible for as many or more civilian deaths than the attacker.

    We see the constant shelling of Donetsk and other frontline localities behind the Russian side’s lines. Every other day there’s news of civilians being killed in the center of Donetsk city by shelling and this has been ongoing for basically going on nine years now despite Ukraine knowing full well that there are no military objectives in the urban center where the civilian population goes about its daily life. If this was happening on anything near the same frequency on the Ukrainian side of the line then we would constantly be hearing about it and seeing photos and videos. The western media would be positively giddy at showing gruesome scenes of dead Ukrainian civilians.

    So it is likely that a majority of those children killed in almost 2 years of high intensity conflict in Ukraine were killed by Ukrainian forces, making Russia’s responsibility for civilian deaths even lower than the number in this picture suggests, further underscoring the point that Russians have been making all along that they are not waging an all out war on Ukraine, because if they were then the ratio of combatant to civilian casualties would look more like those of the other wars listed here.

    I have seen too many even on the pro-Russian side not taking the SMO designation seriously and acting like it is a euphemism for war - it is not!