i find myself spending WAAAAAY more time on reddit as an unregistered lurker than a contributing user on the entire fediverse combined due to the lack of content.

what are some easy things i can do to make sure that my surfing doesn’t benefit reddit or any other site?

  • Jo Miran
    147 months ago

    Just by clicking on a Reddit link you are benefitting them. I avoid Reddit altogether and just adjusted my intake habits to that new reality. The end result of my exit from Reddit and Twatter is that since then I went from never reading books to finishing four novels borrowed from my local library system, and I’ve taken guitar back up.

    Your brain will find another time sink. It’s what we (humans with idle time) do.

    • The Bard in Green
      37 months ago

      100% agree. I probably spend 60% of the time I spent on reddit on Lemmy and have more fun, find more interesting content and engage in more interesting and productive discussion.

      I learn just as much on Lemmy (with the exception of local news) and the users I interact with are better informed and kinder.

      I DO miss that local news / engaged local community.

    • @timicinOP
      27 months ago

      my idle time is the 10/15 mins between tasks and i retain less than 5% of anything i read within 15 minutes of reading it.

  • The Bard in Green
    87 months ago

    Use a privacy hardened browser over tor / vpn with an ad blocker.

    That’s really all you can do. And they’ll STILL get some value from you, as they’ll use your activity to inflate their page view statistics.

    • @timicinOP
      27 months ago

      i’ve seen others try, but the fediverse lacks reddit’s niche groups so the content seems to get ignored by the general/generic loving fediverse crowd.

        • @timicinOP
          17 months ago

          as i mentioned earlier: that content gets ignored on the fediverse, not a single upvote

          • Grownbravy [they/them]
            27 months ago

            gotta keep at it, we have a powerposter here who kept going and going, i think by now they’re starting to get more traction on their posts.

  • snownyte
    7 months ago

    There was a nice gap of time I’ve had where I didn’t have Reddit knocking around in my mind, this was when I was banned for like the millionth time. For reasons that boil down to - having opinions and those opinions offending the overly sensitive types. In that gap of time, I realized that I stopped hating my job so much because Reddit exists to amplify the feelings of how much you must hate your job. This is based on the poor takes and lack of understanding people have about your job so it’s easy for them to have misinformed takes that are backed by superfluous emotion to support it.

    And in turn, makes you look at what you do for work and just hate it all when beforehand, you didn’t care either way. I’m pretty certain that if I kept going to a subreddit that focuses entirely on hating my kind of job, I would most likely be out of said job because I’d find a dumb baseless reason to have been fired from it based on the stupidity of said subreddit.

    And my mind decided to finally get back into some form of gaming. It might be a game that I play day in and day out but I hope it can steer me into playing more games in the future.