The French and Haitian Revolutions are one of the most fascinating and momentous events in what passes for western history, and yet the way liberals treat these subjects is just downright atrocious

While the horrific counter-revolution of 1776 is glorified, the French Revolution is treated like some ugly step-child they’d rather keep locked in the basement

I’m sick of it, I just want to learn about a cool-ass revolution without power-worshipping liberals throwing a conniption

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It’s rather telling of the overall worldview of liberals in the imperial core that they’d rather sympathize with with a handful of dead Bourbons or Romanovs than the countless millions that toiled and died under their rule for centuries. These are the same people that might nod along to concepts like “generational trauma” in a modern context but fail to apply that theory to the countless billions that came before them. Real pea brain shit.