• @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
    13 years ago

    “In fact, just like Columbus, few Canadians today can even point to India on a map.”

    This is absolute bullshit. I’d be shocked if fewer than 7 out of 10 Canadians could point to India on an unlabelled map. My personal guess is that it would be closer to 9.

    “Genocide is the most egregious example, and Canada was seen by many as one of the most egregious offenders. Canada forced more than 150,000 indigenous children to attend residential schools from the 1870s to the 1990s.”

    While true (and horrific) … that’s 150,000 over the span over more than a century. If even a tenth of what China is being accused of is true (and I’m wagering that’s about the right level!), they beat Canada in five years. Something something specks something something beams…

    “First, Belarus released a counter-statement…”

    I would not be using Belarus as an example were I in this writer’s position. Brave choice, that.

    “Once the ball of justice got rolling, more countries joined in and released separate statements, taking the total number of nations supporting China to a whopping 90.”

    Out of 195-249 (depending on how you count them).

    Whether shilling for governments or for corporates, the press is bullshit. All of it. No exceptions.