Biden’s a fake friend smh

  • Justice
    10 months ago

    “I defend China over the US “democracy” because the Chinese gov is actually responsive and accountable to their citizen’s concerns while the US (evidenced right now) does things ONLY in the interest of the state which is the interests of capital.”

    Liberals: “No. AND. And! I will not be educating myself further. Now vote blue or you’re the same as the neoNazis, which, btw, I will call you anyway.”

    Conservatives: “Uh, that liberal sounds gay and that commie is also gay. I wish to murder them both.”

    Liberals: “Hey that guy sounds reasonable! He said 'China bad! Let’s team up against the actual enemy! Those who want an accountable government not supporting genocide.”

    I go back and forth on who’s worse, but at least Republicans don’t pretend to not want to murder me.

    Also it’s insanely ironic that Biden would call anyone a dictator while he singlehandedly sucks and fucks the entire state of Israel daily while they continue to explode every baby they can

    • DamarcusArt
      10 months ago

      Malcolm X had similar sentiments about the democrats. Keep in mind that someone has to get behind you in order to stab you in the back.