
“It seems like every cycle we say that and we kind of mean it but this time I think we are in a category change where I believe the United States and the way that we think about ourselves as a nation has not been in danger like this since 1865. I think the only comparable moment to this was the Civil War,” he tells The New Abnormal co-host Danielle Moodie.

  • Wertheimer [any]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    “If Nixon wins again, we’re in real trouble.” He picked up his drink, then saw it was empty and put it down again. “That’s the real issue this time,” he said. “Beating Nixon. It’s hard to even guess how much damage those bastards will do if they get in for another four years.”

    I nodded. The argument was familiar. I had even made it myself, here and there, but I was beginning to sense something very depressing about it. How many more of these goddamn elections are we going to have to write off as lame but “regrettably necessary” holding actions? And how many more of these stinking, double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?

    . . .

    Now, with another one of these big bogus showdowns looming down on us, I can already pick up the stench of another bummer. I understand, along with a lot of other people, that the big thing, this year, is Beating Nixon. But that was also the big thing, as I recall, twelve years ago in 1960—and as far as I can tell, we’ve gone from bad to worse to rotten since then, and the outlook is for more of the same.


  • Count042@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    I’m not voting for Trump, for obvious reasons. I’m also unwilling to vote for a genocide denier, though.

    Votes need to be earned. This message is the same bullshit Democrats do so they don’t have to give things to their base. Trying to shame their base, rather than earn the votes.

    The saying ‘Republicans fear their base, and Democrats have contempt for theirs’ is really true.

  • Egon [they/them]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    Kind of funny that libs tout Biden as the “most progressive president since FDR”. FDR wasn’t really that progressive, he was terrible towards native Americans as far as I know. He just implemented basic welfare

  • Egon [they/them]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    Weve been voting for the lesser evil since at least the 80’s, maybe it’s time to change strategy, since all that strategy apparently does is make us choose between fascism and a four-year-extention on making that choice, all the while things still get worse and “my party” becomes more and more irrelevant because we “have to swallow our pride and vote for the shitty dem” or whatever (who has a platform that’s close to the GOP platform four years earlier). Maybe it’s time to see what happens