Hey comrades, can someone please enlighten me on the holes that I have on my knowledge of China. I know that China currently has a restricted bourgeoisie class to be able to get enough capital to modernize the entire country. And that makes me wonder, if China has plans to eventually get rid of their bourgeoisie once it achieves it target goal. Does it have ever set a date or a specific plan on this?

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    China is just going to keep doing what works. Their whole system is built on continuous 5 year and 20 year plans with an overall goal outlined for longer periods, but their focuses on each plan will be targeting existing issues and realities within China.

    Their current system is functioning well enough and into there’s a need to change they’ll probably keep it.

    That being said, the housing collapse and the pressure from the lower wage workers is rising, so I can see a shift happening soon. Especially since they lock down investments for citizens and keep most money internal.

    If there’s any more movement towards a war, that’s another factor that would likely cause them to rapidly liquidate the Special Economic Zones. Having the tech and light industrial sectors under state control would be necessary for wartime production, and it’s unlikely that they’d return those factories to the capitalists that ran them afterwards.