"Israeli captive Yocheved Lifshitz, who was released by the Qassam Brigades yesterday, said that the Al-Qassam Brigades were very friendly towards them, took care of them, and provided them with medicine.

During the press conference held in a hospital in “Tel Aviv”, she was asked why she shook hands with a member of the Hamas movement, she said it was because “They treated us very well.”

She added that the first thing the resistance fighters told them was that they were people who “believed in the Quran and would not harm them”, adding that they would get the same treatment the resistance members were getting.

She said that each of the five hostages in her group was looked after by a doctor, adding that there was also a paramedic who kept track of the medications.

On the other hand, the Israeli Kan channel quoted sources from the Israeli public relations office saying that “allowing Yocheved Lifshitz (the released captive) to make a direct statement was a mistake.”"