A comrade created this community just now and I think it’s a great idea. Combining sobriety with comradery (pun intended) is something I’ve really wanted to find a way to do and this is a great first step.

Substance abuse genuinely kills. Literally and regarding the spice of life. It’s truly a horrible thing.

I am 76 days today I believe. Never felt better.

This is a choppy first post, but I’ll get better. Let me know if any of you want to talk about sobriety related things!

  • 小莱卡
    11 months ago

    Ive been on this path for over a year now, i feel great physically. I am not fully sober, i drink from time to time when i have to attend some social event and i need alcohol just to deal with social anxiety.

    Ive been struggling a bit mentally since my entire social circle revolved around drinking, ive realized that my friends were actually just drinking buddies. Once you start declining invitations to go out drinking you start losing these pseudofriends.

    My work is also very isolated from society, there are weeks where i just interact with 5 people at most lol. I really needed a “third place” to meet new people so i started going to the gym, talking daily walks around my neightborhood, going to coffee shops, etc…

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    11 months ago

    I’ve been trying to stop drinking for a while. I think I’ll finally start to kick it because of the fact that creatine is essentially canceled out by alcohol consumption, and I have been trying to get better progress in the gym. Also saves money

  • KvasiroftheWoodsM
    11 months ago

    Wow, fantastico! I had some errands to run for a couple of hours and I come back to already 3 people joined up! A big welcome to all of you, I look forward to walking the sober path with you guys and helping each other over the hurdles to come. I’m still out on errands but I’ll have a sticky post with resources and principles/guidelines up hopefully by tonight, if not by tomorrow afternoon ;)

    Congrats to Teezy on 76 days ! And for bennieandthez and ButtigiegMineralMap, keep up the good work, comrades, it’s tough but once you start to change your perspective as you guys have done it gets a lot easier. I wish you guys many happy, sober dats of love and prosperity <3