Discovered recently that Electric Wizard were kinda dicks back in the day. “At the time, we were pretty bad people. I got arrested for arson of a car, outside a police station. Tim [Bagshaw] went to nick a crucifix off a church roof so we could use it onstage…”

R. L. Burnside killed a man “possibly at a craps game.”

Varg of Mayhem Burzum burned a couple churches and killed a bandmate.

I could list other examples, but would like to hear from other people and other music genres.

    1 year ago

    He’s far from an idiot, but I am also of the opinion he has probably just heard some rumours and taken some satirical imagery at face value. I think that it’s easy to do if it’s not a genre that appeals to you musically enough to listen to voluntarily, like when people believe articles by The Onion unironically. And not everyone is good at subtext anyway, even if they are listening attentively.

    I will admit to not trying out H&G because I don’t know enough about them to figure their intent out.

    I don’t go to live music anymore enough to know there are no Nazis in the room who are there for the hate, let alone the majority, so I have no way to personally verify I’m not accidentally complicit in actual grossness that was never satire at all. And I would hate for that to happen.

      1 year ago

      He’s far from an idiot

      Sorry, but spreading fake news and calling tons of bands, including left-wing ones, Nazis makes you an idiot. A big one, even.

        1 year ago

        Singular bad hot takes aren’t something I take too seriously when it’s fuelled by late night drinking. It’s too high a standard for me to live up to.

        When they also say it sober or follow it up with more terrible takes is when I start backing away slowly.