What the hell am I even reading. The general understanding of the situation there, of what’s going on, what has been going on for more than 50 years, is absolutely braindead. Even some pro-Palestine people seem to only have a vague understanding of the genocidal settler-colonial project that Zionism is. This isn’t really something problematic. Just wanted to point this out first.

The rest is just absolute garbage. I am 100% sure discussions on these topics on mainstream social media are astroturfed at least to some extent. There is a fair share of people calling Hamas terrorist. But the biggest stumbling block is the […] moderate.

I have seen people blaming the conflict on religion. Like the war is two hoards of religious zealots fighting over scriptural differences. It is very clear that the number of people of who are historically illiterate about the history of colonialism and imperialism over the past two centuries is dangerously high. This problem is intentionally manufactured by the media. If you read the coverage in mainstream outlets it leaves a lot to be desired, to say the least.

Sorry for the incoherent rant. I usually don’t get hung up on social media but it struck a chord this time.

  • Muad'DibberA
    3 years ago

    Agree, the both-sidesing on reddit and twitter these past few days has been sickening. I’d thought originally that it would be less than before that time last year the israeli snipers killed a ton of people at the great march of return, but I ventured out into the reddit mains and yep, its as bad as its ever been.

    These liberals and moderates would be calling a cease-fire between slaves and slavemasters to make themselves seem magnanimous.

    • loathesome dongeaterOPA
      3 years ago

      One think I have been thinking is that since Israel is a cyber-fascist state and a leader in surveillance tech, it is plausible that they heavily astroturf these websites. BJP has an IT cell which runs troll farms and the BJP government has bought surveillance from Israel to jail alleged Maoists without evidence or trial. I am sure they are inspired by Israel in this department. Maybe even got the methodology and technology from them or someone else like that.