Hello I just created this Account for this Question. Is it okay to support Israel in the middle east conflict? I’m from Europe and have no ties at all to any Side. Its just that I lean more to the Side of Israel then any other. Is this okay? Is it up to debate which Side is to support or is one of them clearly in the Wrong? (Like Russia is in the Wrong attacking Ukraine or Germany attacking Polland 1939).

EDIT: For clarification: Im talking about their Settlements and their military campaigns NOT about their government.

If this Post is too political please remove and I’m deeply sorry for that.

  • MrNesser@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Copied from another post:

    I’m done with both sides; I’ve sympathised with the Palestinian people in the past - to a large extent Hamas is not the Palestinian people but is still the goverment the people voted in. Both sides have committed atrocious acts of violence and its got them nowhere in 75 years.

    The situation cannot continue as is and Hamas has burned bridges it couldn’t have afforded to burn.

    Israel is very capable of walking over the Palestinian territories and occupying them indefinitely, the only thing holding them back has been international pressure - which has now been released due to the recent attacks.

    I’m ready as is most of my generation I believe, to see the next iteration of the middle east however that turns out.

    I just feel sorry for those who are going to be rolled over.

    • Delphia@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      “For every action there is a reaction, and an Israeli reaction is quite a fucking thing”

    • Rocinante@lemmy.one
      9 months ago

      Yes. All I’ve learned from all this middle east stuff is that unless anyone is personally involved due to blood ties nobody makes a convincing argument to win over outsiders to their side. Pretty sure many people have constantly flip flopped going what the fuck and then saying they support X then another what the fuck happens and they flip.

      Just stay out of it. Not like we are personally going to arm ourselves and shed blood for the cause. All I’ve learned is that all these arguments are nothing but a bunch of keyboard warriors advocating for a conflict they have absolutely no clue about, and people just flip flopping back and forth and end up not understanding anymore than when they started. That area is just a messed up place of anarchy and I’m not even going to try to make sense of that place anymore.

      • VentraSqwal@links.dartboard.social
        9 months ago

        The US does send something like billions in monetary and military aid over there which could be spent here so it does kind of affect us over here, but other than that, I agree.