I searched and havent found anyone asking this. what is your personal story of becoming a communist? I will share mine. but im going to try not to reveal any personal info and id suggest anyone else do that too. I want to keep this short but…

I became a leftist in late 2019 early 2020. before this i would say i was a “centrist” or just non political, it just seemed like a way to argue with people. In short, the corona virus was what lead me to being radicalized. since we weren’t allowed to leave our homes, i spent time on obscure apps meeting many people around the globe, most of which were from the third and second world, a surprising many of which were communists. one asked if im a marxist, and so we talked about it. they ended up telling me the basic concepts of surplus value and how businesses must care only about profit, how universities and hospitals are run as businesses in places like america, and how workers are screwed over by the bosses despite doing all the work, and that all of this is what socialism is trying to fix. after some internet research I found the marxist internet archive, and i read lots of short readings, a few books, and watched lots of youtube videos by people such as non compete and Hakim, and now here I am today cursed with knowledge that I am exploited by my boss. sadly i’ve yet to do any real organizing. but I might get there some day.

just to be clear, i’ve left out many details of stuff that helped me become a marxist to keep it short. it was a long process that is still happening too

  • RedFields
    2 years ago

    I went from being an apolitical child to a left social democrat teen(13-16) to a crypto-communist(16-18) to becoming a Revolutionary Communist(Marxist-Leninist) to this day. The apolitical start was mostly due to being an immigrant and living around other immigrants and the working class in general. The only thing that mattered was that people had enough to eat and pay rent. As I developed my ability to think I became very critical of the world especially people who said one thing and did the opposite liberals are a great show of this. I only recognized I was a left soc dem when Bernie made a show of himself it was a shock to the system. His failure to do anything pushed me into being a crypto-commie attempting to figure out how to actually change the system. The final transition to being an ML was mostly due to three things first was my love for history (In this regard I mean what actually happened not what people say happened) and the second was reading what was actually written by Stalin and some other’s revolutionaries (While it may sound weird I was not hotwired to hate Stalin mostly because of my critical view of the government and authority in general ) and the third was listening to and watching communist propaganda that made it clear that there was only one way out of the capitalist hell we find ourselves in. On the organizing front, I’ve been planning on joining the PCUSA and registering with with either the Peace and Freedom Party or the Green Party as a stop-gap measure.