I’ve been single for 5 years now, and not really in any rush to “settle down” or “find the one”, but I’ve been on a numerous dates, have dated several people for a month of two, but it always seem to fall apart one way or another.

I’m not ugly, and think I’m pretty fun to be around/positive, funny, maybe a bit eccentric, but nothing too bad by any means.

I have no idea why I struggle with dating and maintaining relationships, so I wanted to know if there was any way how I can see what it’s like dating me from the opposite perspective?

  • SkyNTP@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    There’s always room for improvement, and it’s entirely possible that you are at fault, given that you are the common denominator of these failed relationships as you claim.

    But do consider this: there is a possibility that the issue doesn’t revolve around how you behave, but perhaps the issue is in who (and maybe when) you are choosing to date. Maybe your expectations need to be adjusted?