The sky is so pretty! This is really good comrade!
I’m glad you like it comrade. Thanks.
Awesome, love the perspective, ditto the sky is my fave. Is this a digital painting?
Yeah done with samsung ArtRage. I still have a long way to go before I get the perspective and lighting right. But I had fun anyway.
Art Rage!? Whoa! I used that program like twenty years ago when I started digital art. Now I’m curious how it goes, now.
BTW, I’m a professional artist/art teacher. If you need something, ask me and I will help as much as I can.
Awesome! I would really like that comrade.
Noice! Message me any time and I will recommend lessons you can find on YouTube itself that are very practical for the thing you want to draw or paint.
Just noticed this, sorry. If you could link a couple of vids on perspective that would be really great.
Me too, haha. I can’t post it right now because I’m outside and posting through phone browser is a pain in the ass, but there’s some keyword that can help you: -Aerial Perspective -Conic Perspectives
And I recommend you to basically look at paintings to analyze how they work, having this in mind: -Composition -Rule of thirds -Theory of Color -Theory of lightweight (I think it’s called like this in English?)
Finally, to observe and study. -Ambient: Romanticism and Shuimuhua(Chinese paintings) -Dynamism and Expression: Expressionism, Ukiyo-e(Japanese woodcarving paintings) -Composition and Structure: Neoclassicism and Soviet Realism -Composition alone: Constructivism -Colour: Impresionism -Structure and composition: Neoclassicism -Light and Shadow: Italian and Spanish Baroque (Dramatically), Impressionism (based on color and reality) And this is a good beginning! I recommend you to copy paste this answer and have it as some sort of note/post-it.
Hey this is great! I’m going to start to work through this list straight away. I appreciate you taking the time to writing this down for me. All the best comrade!
I think both the perspective and the lighting have a lot of personality! But wanting to improve is always coolio Never heard of that software, I usually use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 6 when I go digital (old, pretty decent). I’ve been wanting to try digital painting sometime soon myself.
Thank you. I guess it’s better to try find my own style than to try for realism. I used to use a pc and stylus with photoshop, but now I use a tablet. I like seeing the changes directly under the stylus. Makes it feel a bit more like I’m actually painting.