There was previously discussion about Russell Brand denying allegations that were to be shown in a TV documentary, and now things are developing.

    10 months ago

    This guy always annoyed me, if he’s “censored” because of his bad behavior, I doubt many sane people will miss him. I remember seeing him on Maher (yeah, yeah, I know) not too long ago and he was just insufferable - even more so than usual. If he went down the “just asking questions” rabbit hole, that’s little surprise.

    And - unfortunately, I know a lot of people like this IRL - people that started off maybe a bit wacky, but at least on the surface, lefties, only to end up voting for donnie, and going full maga, with the gear and everything. And believe me - NO ONE wants to talk to them about anything past basic weather comments; the minute they start up with the ItWasAPlandemicChineseGlobalWarmingHoaxHunterBidensLaptop stuff, people are crawling over each other to get to the exits.

      10 months ago

      Oh my god, I remember the Maher bit, you could tell Bill was getting pissed off about this guy coming on and spewing conspiracy theories. Actively rooting against Brand ever since! I believe all these allegations are probably true, as Brand seems to have a very tenuous relationship with reality.