• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Boil it down even further than OP and everything, ultimately, is just binary impulses between differently oriented clusters of atoms.

    Time and time again I find myself coming back to a deterministic interpretation of the physical world. We’re now at the point where a simple scrape-predict-regurgitate AI language model (ChatGPT) can convincingly imitate the communication pattern of a human being with good factual recall but low social acumen, almost like what we generally associate with the autism spectrum. It’s harder and harder to argue that we aren’t just walking flesh bags with simple electrical impulses that carry us from decision to decision based on a finite dataset. It’s amazingly complex and sometimes can seem unpredictable, but it’s still finite. Were we ever able to build a sufficiently complex computer, I believe it could predict every decision we ever make with remarkable accuracy. The concept of “free will”, at least to me, seems a comfortable agreed-upon illusion that keeps us from killing and eating one another.

  • Yeah I wouldn’t call him progressive by any reasonable definition of the word, but he’s helped pass some of the most consequential legislation of our lifetime, and he did it while pulling the economy out of a dumpster fire tailspin and into an improbable soft landing, and also getting us onto the other side of an actual plague. He’s been far more effective than I ever imagined he’d be. I didn’t vote for him in the 2020 primary, but I’ll damn sure vote to reelect him. My only point of contention is that I wish he’d dump Harris and organize a kind of VP primary to pick another running mate. If he dies in office, I worry that she’s just not up to the task.

  • Yep, and he’s understood that very clearly since he was a young man, along with how to build and maintain a brand. Few other political figures understand how that works nowadays, including the entirety of the Democratic Party and the current President. Every marketing student alive understands that what you’re trying to get with advertising is attention. You can sell a message better with it than without it, and people pay handsomely for it. Sustaining attention is nigh impossible unless you know how to push the buttons of the outrage media ecosystem. The average US voter is disengaged and low-information and relies only on trusted sources of information, and so any press is good press as long as you can make your case through curated media outlets (i.e. Fox News and Twitter) while everyone else is incessantly talking about you.