For Marxists, the future of the planet and the climate crisis depends highly on which class owns the means of production. Technology and automation, including artificial intelligence (AI), can be helpful to advance material conditions of the working class, but only if the devices, gadgets and programs are owned and operated by the working class. Under capitalism, technology and automation, especially AI, are a disaster for working people and have a reputation of being job killers.

In contrast to capitalist countries, technology in socialist countries, such as China and Cuba, is used to benefit people. While capitalist countries use technology to help the wealthy few, Cuba sends doctors around the world. China is expanding green technology at home while assisting with the building of infrastructure in many African countries, with the use of technology.

No one truly knows with 100% certainty what future summers will be like. As Sam Marcy, founder of Workers World Party, would often say, “Marxists don’t have a crystal ball,” meaning we cannot predict the future.

At the same time, as dialectical materialists, we do look at scientific evidence to reach conclusions. Studies show that climate change is due to the burning of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gas emissions and trap the sun’s heat and provoke temperatures to rise. (Greenly Institute, Aug. 8)

Climate change started with the large extraction and burning of natural resources, such as oil, gas and coal, in the late 1800s. Resource extraction and consumer use led to an increase of carbon dioxide in the air. The plundering of Indigenous lands was conducted for the sake of profits, and irreparable damage was done in the process of stealing minerals for capital gains.

Unusual and abnormal weather conditions are a painful reminder of the harm inflicted upon the Earth. While a lot of the destruction may be irreversible, any revolt or struggle against corporations responsible for environmental devastation is a step forward. Unity among environmental and labor activists is important because our class enemy is the same.

Due to the severity of the climate crisis, an anti-capitalist and pro-working class response is most needed. The only way to truly ensure a sustainable ecosystem and put a halt to the ongoing crisis is to put a stop to the very same profit-driven system responsible for the crisis.