Here is a simple example: imagine that you knew of a gentile who periodically makes donations to Jewish movements (Never Again Action) or non‐profit organizations (Jews for Racial & Economic Justice), who repeatedly educates others on Jewish history, who makes an effort to learn and respect Jewish customs, who volunteers to clean up or repair Jewish properties such as cemeteries, who even makes an effort to learn Jewish languages such as Yiddish or Ladino, and who would, if the opportunity arose, defend Jews with her life, be they friends or strangers. In short, she does not merely say ‘I respect Jewish people’ or ‘I love Jewish people’, she demonstrates it.

Nobody with an ounce of common sense would conclude that this person is antisemitic, but Zionists would. Why? Because she also recommends the deoccupation of Palestine.

Yes, you can be the perfect Samaritan for the Jewish people, but according to Zionists: recommending the discontinuation of the so‐called State of ‘Israel’ is more than enough proof that you are an antisemite, even if you insist that it must be done peacefully. If Zionists will go so far as to brand Shoah survivors who support Palestinians ‘antisemitic’, you better believe that they’d stamp without hesitation the gentile described above with the ‘antisemitic’ label too.

Her existence is not entirely hypothetical. Although so far I myself have not had the opportunity to maintain any Jewish properties, and I only donate irregularly, most of that description still applies to me, and whatever doesn’t could easily apply to others. Calling somebody antisemitic should ideally be a very serious accusation, especially if the accused is a Jew, but Zionists make it feel so mundane. This is only one of many reasons why I can’t be a Zionist: because they trivialize antisemitism. That concludes my rant.

  • Beat_da_Rich
    1 year ago

    Maybe less ambitious due to circumstance. But I suspect Israel absolutely would pursue some Middle Eastern version of “Manifest Destiny” if it had the capability to do so.