Do you guys know any way to have bing daily images set automatically as wallpaper on your system ?

I am currently using this gnome extension and it works fine. But I am looking for something more desktop agnostic . I have searched trough a lot of websites , but all scripts seem to be not developed anymore…

  • Ephera
    73 years ago

    I mean, it’s not entirely trivial, but you could probably script this yourself:

    1. wget the image to some path that gets overwritten each time the script gets run.
    2. Set the wallpaper to that, e.g. with feh.

    And then schedule that script to be run daily, for example with anacron (which unlike cron will do that task later, if it couldn’t be run at the scheduled time, because your system was off/suspended).

    33 years ago

    If you are using Wayland I don’t think there is a cross-desktop way to do it because

    1. The compositor is in charge of drawing the background.
    2. I don’t think there is a standard API for desktop backgrounds. It would be interesting to spec out an API for that but I suspect that there is low interest, so unless you are going to write the spec and implement it on GNOME and KDE I suspect you wouldn’t get much adoption.
    33 years ago

    KDE has a built-in Image of the Day setting. You can set it up with Bing, NASA, National Geographic, Flickr, Unsplashed, and a few more. Not sure if it can be used with other DEs since it’s part of the settings of the environment.

    33 years ago

    Plamsa has it as a built-in option among other sources like NOAA. Though i doubt that makes it worthwhile for you to jump DEs.