Recently I was wandering if there is someone or some group preserving , collecting , organizing and publishing all the knowledge of mankind ever created throughout its existence so that if ever mankind faces the 6th mass extinction we don’t have to reinvent the wheel and can have a kick start to our new post apocalyptic civilization .

  • DarkMatterStyx
    1 year ago

    I think the internet as a whole is going to be the closest we’ll ever come. Capitalism will make sure it’s never even close to complete so it always has something to monetize.

      1 year ago

      I wouldn’t say “complete” can even be sufficiently defined in this case. Every functional definition I can think of has a limiting factor.

      Let’s try to define knowledge. What kind of information qualifies? We can usually think of important, useful info like physics and medicine. But what about other data, like sports game stats, atmospheric sensor readings, or even something more esoteric, like the location data of every object on earth.

      And even if we could have the information of every single thing at any particular time, what about when things change in the next second? And the one afterwards?

      Essentially, nothing will ever be “complete”. Thanks for listening to my rant on semantics.

    • saltynuts420@lemm.eeOP
      1 year ago

      you can read pretty much (except the lost media like those lost in library burnings , film destruction and wars) read any book written by humans since 2500 bce (example Rig Veda the first ved of Hinduism was written even before 2500 and is today said to be 98% at its original state thanks to Indian gurus and saints who passed it on orally and was made into a book only after 8th century) , watch any movie ever released , hear any music ever made after recording was invented .

      ofcourse there is a catch that these medias are not freely and publicly available and most you have to pirate in order to consume it thus we need to have a centralised database of these things safely kept somewhere so that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel in case of a catastrophic event .