no need to write an essay or anything

some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don’t know what’s serious and what’s irony

  • dRLY [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Aside from the parts already said. For all the talk that dems have said about how RvW was on the line for basically all of my adult life. They never did anything to set it as anything other than a ruling. Which if said ruling was anything other than a win for its time but always possible to be overturned. Then it shows how little they really care about protecting reproductive rights, and just cared about being able to use it as a trump card to scare a few more people to show up to vote. And therefore it was always more useful to them to keep it that way. Want to have an easy way to make sure third parties never get a chance? Make sure that the people that are truly scared of RvW being lost are riled up to harass and attack/vote shame anyone that says they are voting for anything other than team blue. There are even quotes from Obama (and maybe Hillary but she obviously didn’t try to fight hard while working under him) where they even outright say that protecting RvW by making it law wasn’t a priority.

    Always putting our Military Industrial Complex (and more importantly) their weird obsession with being anything other than hard centrist and not upsetting the conservatives. Never ending talk of “bipartisanship” by letting Republicans dictate what does and doesn’t fly. It is always just put back on the voters as being their job to “vote harder” or other bs that puts blame on everyone but them. For all the shit that they say in campaigns and some snarky interviews “dunking on” the right. Much like how protesting in the US is just about some one day marches and speeches where everyone high-fives and posts for clout before just going home. And when people that really give a fuck stick around for longer or anything more than that. They are then told that they are not “protesting correctly” and those same libs side with the right and begin supporting more funding for pigs.

    Always riding on the next election as being too soon to push for anything that isn’t safely supported by at least 90% of the voters (of both parties). They could give zero fucks about gay marriage until it was safe to support it. More of that “oh I completely agree with you 100%, but it just isn’t the right time” and “we need to just wait to wait for you to have those rights until America is ready for it”. They are all the perfect example of what MLK Jr was talking about with his speech about white moderates being the real oppressors. It is easy for them to go slow on all of this because it doesn’t materially or directly impact them. Just like the same liberals that vote for them and claim to support X cause just as long as it isn’t in their backyard or otherwise inconvenience them.