I’m a father of a 6 month old girl and have been married for 2 years. I’ve been most heavily involved in communist theory for the better part of a year, though I already had these beliefs about 15 years ago and was laughed out of social relevance. We are fucking the earth to death and capital must expand and consume everything it can to sustain itself. We are at a flashpoint of action. I want to address certain questions about raising a new generation (aside from whether or not it’s responsible to have children, I’m very happy we had ours) - what should they know? How do you approach a child with these ideas? Authority figures as teachers and coaches and religious characters have the template for indoctrinating the expansion of capital at the expense of all human life. How do we raise an ethical and conscious child into a revolutionary adult? Thanks comrades for your participation. Solidarity forever.

  • Magpieinthesky
    5 years ago

    He asked me the other day what I was reading. Marx’s biography. So I asked him if he would like me to read a bit to him. Sure, he said. “Do you understand any of it?” I asked after a while. “Yes!” was his response. Not sure, though, but it’s never too early to start.

    As to how my theory has shaped and is shaping my parenting, well, lots of ways. Don’t buy into the whole boy / girl thing, for one. Don’t let him get attached to branding, that sort of thing. Try to illuminate when something is just a marketing ploy, and not something he should fall for, although that’s kind of hard, with all the bright colours and stuff.

    Oh, and these two messages I’m trying to subtly put in every chance I get: “rich people steal” and “ACAB”.