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Hey everyone, check the Linguist

  • you can translate texts offline (with sent no one single byte to a Google and stay private)
  • a lot of features and flexible configuration
  • dictionary + history for learn languages
  • it is are hackable - you can write code to use your own translation service
    11 months ago

    Translation software is not grammar checking software. It doesn’t improve the grammar of what was written in the original language. I’ve read a few things on the web over the years and there’s a ton of terrible grammar from native writers.

    To be frank, judging the quality of a translation plugin by the grammar of the landing page or of the announcement blog post reflects the ignorance of the judge. It smacks of wanting an excuse to tear down a stranger on the internet. And frankly, it’s privileged bullshit.

    The reaction of the extension’s author tells me everything I need to know about them: “I did my best. If you’d like to submit some improvements, here’s a link to the repository.”

    That is good practice.