Hello, Anyone use browser SeaMonkey, feedbacks ?
Wow, I had no idea this still existed! I’d also be interested to hear about people using it.
For headless browser in the old day
What were you using a headless browser for in the old day?
I’m also surprised, the development continue https://www.seamonkey-project.org. I feel as a Netscape navigator, but I’m not sure les web sites are compatible our century. I don’t understand for what usage the development continue.
I never used it, but it’s supposed to use a firefox base, and they were updating the base and gecko engine in every update as the say in the FAQ: https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/FAQ. Also the last version notes say the apply the firefox 96 fixes: https://www.seamonkey-project.org/news
Someone published a post about private oriented web browsers and how they’re rated not long ago.
I don’t think SeaMonkey is mentioned though.