I think the best alternative would be LibreWolf

  • TootSweet@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I haven’t seen the video yet, but I very much believe what we really need is something better than either Firefox or 10 different flavors of Chromium.

    Something that gives way more control over how it handles cookies. Something that lets you run multiple profiles at the same time. Something that lets you seamlessly switch identities.

    Maybe something that’ll give you a whole different cookie store every time you change domains.

    • Jamie@jamie.moe
      11 months ago

      The thing that sucks about that is the sheer amount of stuff that a modern web browser is expected to do.

      Level 0:

      • Parse and correctly display the contents of simple HTML documents in a manner consistent with other browsers
      • Figure out what to do if somebody gives you mangled HTML in a way consistent with other browsers, because the page will just about always try to show the user something.

      Level 1:

      • Implement who knows how many CSS properties in a way consistent with other browsers

      Level 3:

      • Now write a JavaScript engine to manipulate all of the above, making sure that everything works like it does elsewhere no matter how non-sensical it is, because pages rely on that stuff to function sometimes.

      Level 4:

      • Don’t forget to implement media codecs so you can display video, play audio, and let the user control those via JavaScript APIs, and you have to render/play that in whatever way the webpage specifies.

      Basically, writing a browser engine from scratch in a way that is in any way competitive is probably on par for scale on writing your own operating system. You might even accomplish the latter faster, depending on where you’d call your OS “complete”

      • TootSweet@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Unfortunately, I can’t argue with much of that. In fact, if anything, you’re leaving out complexities.

        There are a few browsers out there that use WebKit but none of Chromium. (Surf and Uzbl are a couple that I’ve used in the past.) With a little scripting, you could get them to, for instance, run two different “profiles” with different cookie stores at the same time. But they’re far from full-featured.

        Maybe what we really need is to scrap the web and start fresh with something better.