• Black AOC
    1 year ago

    debate pervert

    This isn’t debatable, cac. You bring no evidence of your claims other than ‘bro trust me’. As a matter of fact, what I remember out of china during COVID was the zero-COVID policy that saw the country locked down to a much stronger degree than Amerika until their cases had burnt out-- which hey, they did faster rather than letting a bunch of superspreader petri dishes move about the country!

    As for the most surveilled country, that’s a fucking laugh when I can’t walk through any city in this country and not pass by two dozen cameras a block from the storefronts to the street crossings. When people are getting pulled off Amerikan streets wrongfully because facial identification mis-identified them.

    As for the supposed ‘dragging people out of their homes’, that’s even more of a laugh in the age of no-knock warrants killing Afrikans in their beds-- but that’s all your people know how to do.
